The Church of the Epiphany

5450 Churchwood Drive
Oak Park, CA 91377
(818) 991 4797

Monday, October 6, 2008

Room for all...

You may have seen the news this past week about the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh's decision to leave the Episcopal Church (or click here if you haven't heard and would like to read about it). Pittsburgh is a long way away from us here, but it is still part of our church and it is a sad day when any one of our number decides they can no longer remain in relationship with the rest of the church.

Our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori (KJS), has made a statement about Pittsburgh's decision which you can see in the video below. Also, check out this interview with KJS by Terry Gross of Fresh Air. KJS has a lot to say to put into context what is happening in the church. However, most important is her take on who we are as Anglicans and what it means to be in this communion. Despite the sad news from Pittsburgh, I found her interview and video to be inspiring and hopeful! I hope you will take the time to both watch the video and listen to the interview. Enjoy!

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